Legal Issues...
Below are our articles on the subject of Legal Issues. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Adoption and Fostering
Some people decide to adopt or foster children, what's involved in this process?...

Buying or Selling Your Home Together
Buying and selling a house can be stressful, but the process is actually quite simple...

Cohabiting: Live Together or Get Married?
Living together is the common choice for people these days, but do you have any rights?...

Divorce and Separation Laws
Divorce is a sad fact of life - 50% of marriages end in it. It's a relatively simple legal process though....

Employment Law: Maternity Leave to Career Breaks
Employment law is a minefield - what are you entitled to and how can you find out more?...

Legal Issues Around Children
Having children brings legal rights - and responsibilities. What are the big ones?...