Case Studies...
Below are our articles on the subject of Case Studies. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

I Stopped Working from Home: A Case Study
For some working from home is ideal but for others, who run their own businesses, it is good to have a clear definition between family and working life....

Introducing Rotas Eased Household Stress: A Case Study
When family life becomes stressful because there's too much to do around the house, the answer might be to implement a rota. Here's how it worked for one family...

Our Hobbies Helped Reduce Stress: A Case Study
Sometimes life feels so busy and finding time for a hobby seems impossible - but one couple managed it and is reaping the rewards....

Running My Own Business Means Less Stress: A Case Study
Many people who work for themselves find it incredibly stressful but for others it can offer an escape from the strains of daily life....

We Changed Our Work Life Balance: A Case Study
Sometimes working from home can offer the solution to the constant juggle between your job and family life. For Marnie Barsby it was the right choice....