Keeping House...
Below are our articles on the subject of Keeping House. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Choosing Your Cleaning Products
Where do you start when you're kitting out your house with cleaning products?...

Colour Schemes to Help You Relax
Try redecorating a room, or even your whole house, to help you relax. Consider how you enjoy unwinding and then use interior design to help you do so....

Creating Your Own Space at Home
Everyone needs somewhere that is their own space. Finding a corner of your home for your exclusive use could help you to reduce your stress levels and improve your…...

Dealing With the Household Chores
If you want a clean house you need to keep on top of the household chores......

Decorating and Interior Design
Decorating need not be a nightmare - it can be fun!...

Do it Yourself or Pay Someone Else?
If you don't have the time to do everything yourself, which are the best jobs to pay other people to do?...

Home-Cooked Meals for Busy Households
It is hard work preparing delicious home-cooked meals when you are tired and rushed. But these tasty dishes can be prepared quickly and can also be frozen in portions…...

Keep a Tidy House When You Have Kids
It can seem like an impossible task, keeping a house tidy when you have kids....

Keeping on Top of DIY
DIY is a minefield and can lead to some problems if you don't know what you're doing...

Looking After Pets
Getting a pet is a big decision, how can you make sure it's the right one for you?...

The Stress of Building Work in My Home: A Case Study
Living with building work in the home can be stressful but one homeowner reached the point where she felt she just could not cope any longer....

When Household Appliances Break
No appliances will last for ever - how can you make inevitable breakdown less painful?...